How VKA can help

  • The Vermont Kidney Association is provided with a grant from the Vermont Department of Transport that may be able help with your transportation to dialysis sessions. Working with the Social Worker attached to your dialysis unit you may qualify for funding to assist with travel to your dialysis treatments. Talk to your social worker today.

  • The VKA is also able to support patients undergoing dialysis with specific “one off” needs. Again, your social worker is there to help you explore your various options and will connect with the VKA for help.

  • Renal Social work Services

    • There will be a renal social worker with you through the dialysis and transplant processes. 

    • Whether you chose to receive dialysis at a dialysis clinic, or through home dialysis, your social worker is there the whole way.  We coordinate with the dialysis treatment team and other medical and community providers, such as transplant programs, home health agencies, primary care providers, food programs, and others.  We offer assistance applying for appropriate benefits and community services. We can help you with preparing advance care/ appointment of health care agent documents. We address mental health, social and tangible/financial/transportation needs and help create plans including referrals to area services to meet these needs. We offer supportive counseling throughout the whole dialysis experience. We address your concerns as they arise, and act as advocates for you as needed.

    • The transplant social worker is a source of support and guidance in navigating the transplant process, while working together with the dialysis social worker to ensure a smooth transition into the care that follows after your transplant. 

  • Peer support: NKF peer to peer program link (

  • NKF list of resources 

  • Complete your medicare enrollment. NKF info on insurance

  • Want to volunteer or join VKA; contact us (